domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

The Gathering - Shrink

Day by day I slowly dry out until I'm not sure what it will be... I miss you all the time, I keep thinking that I'll see you soon and all this time apart is only a dream, unpleasant but a dream at last.
I keep thinking about wether it's my fault or not. What did I do wrong? What did I say to make you go away? I started to believe that all this thing is only an invention of yours to make me think that it's just a time apart from each other... now I don't know what to think.

I can't call you, you won't pick up the phone. I can't write you, you won't write me back... I thought maybe this way I can say what I feel without disturbing you and also as a way to work on all this thing... our time, our space... two things that I wish I could spend with you by my side.

To feel this great urge
to hold and embrace you
I slowly dry out

I shrink and shrink
until I'm gone
nothing to make out of me
oh what the hell went wrong
my heart gets pulled out
into your direction
it's no use
you have forsaken me

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